I'm moving to my very own blog domain, and the transition is almost finished! From now on, I'll be posting at GeekMomMashup.com. I hope you'll stop by for a visit!
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Come see my new blog home!
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5:50 PM
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Our Family Motto: What's That Smell?
The most frequently asked question in our home is, "What's that smell?"
The other day, there was such a smell coming from the laundry room that I actually closed the door between the laundry room and the kitchen, and opened the other side of the laundry room to the garage to air it out a bit. You know it's bad when the garage smells better than the laundry room!
Having avoided doing laundry for a few days, I decided to brave the stink, for the sake of clean underwear. I started to run a load of clothes, and as the water filled the basin, the smell was putrid. Worse than dirty diapers. More like rotting roadkill.
Not wanting to make a grisly discovery myself, I asked my husband to take a look inside the machine. I was sure there would be something dead at the bottom of the barrel. Dutifully, he removed the wet stuff from the full washer one article at a time. When he got down to the bottom, he found the offending article. "Honey, what's this?" I peeked around the corner and saw him holding up dripping wet a Blue's Clues beach towel with big, brown splotches.
My mind was jogged back to a major chocolate milk spill earlier in the week. "I think it's chocolate milk," I said. (See, it's not as bad as you thought it would be.) But it sure did stink! I had grabbed the big towel to help mop things up. When I finished, I tossed the towel into the washer and forgot about it. Oooh-whee!
In case you're wondering how to remove the smell of spoiled chocolate milk from a towel, I used Tide and chlorine bleach. That almost worked. A subsequent wash with Tide and Borax did the trick.
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1:52 PM
Labels: family, homemaking, humor, kids, laundry
What? PPV Cartoons for Little Shoppers?
I think we watch too much television. That goes for my whole family. Kids, grown-ups, everybody. And I know we should cut back. I admire the families that have the gumption and commitment to turn it off for a week, or even get rid of it altogether, but I am not that tough. At least not today.
So imagine my reaction when I went grocery shopping and discovered a fantastic and devious new take on the old metal buggy. Now, I have three kids, so the plastic race car shaped carts are already a big hit with our crew. However, this was something entirely amazing -- the TV Cart.
Oh, yes. The first time I encountered the TV Cart, I heard it before I saw it. A familiar tune wafting down the aisle in front of me. I found myself singing along to The Wiggles, and wondered where that music was coming from. And then I saw it. The TV Cart. A mother was pushing her blissfully entranced toddler in this big plastic pod. The cockpit of the cart is mostly enclosed, except for the front window. I guess that's so the kid can breathe.
My initial reaction was one of surprise, mingled with disgust. What will they think of next? As if we need another thing to spend money on, and give our kids more TV at the same time? What kind of mother would do that?
On the way out of the store, I saw the station where the TV Carts wait to be rented. It's a dollar per use. Now, I think of myself as a practical, frugal person. A whole dollar, just for TV during a shopping trip? Ridiculous. hmmmm.
A week later, I was at the store again. This time, I had two of my three children with me. Knowing I was in for a sweaty wrestle of an outing, I looked at the TV Carts. Could I be so frivolous? I started to rationalize, "With two kids, it's only 50 cents each. That's not so bad."
My son was checking out the Cart as if it were a Mustang at the dealership. He peeked inside the cockpit. "Mom, there's a TV in there!" Even his baby sister wanted to get into the Cart. I caved. I got change from the nearest check-out lady and fed it into the rental station. The kids jumped in, The Wiggles started to wiggle, and we were off.
With mixed feelings of guilt and euphoria, I completed the shopping without a peep, bicker, or cry from the kids. They didn't even try to get out and run around. This mom's verdict: TV Cart is a good way to get the shopping done when you're having one of those days with the kids. It's a treat for kids and parents alike, but I'll be using it sparingly.
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1:38 PM
Labels: humor, kids, parenting, shopping, television
Friday, December 21, 2007
More fun than ecards: custom Snowball Fight!
This speaks for itself. Another fun web application that lets you upload your own photos and put your face into a silly video. This one's from JibJab, and I think it's even better than ElfYourself. There are a couple of free "Sendables" you can customize (like the snowball fight here), as well as some you have to pay for. I love these things! Enjoy!