Monday, December 17, 2007

Fudgey Carrie and Matthew "Hannah Montana" - meeting Hubby's coworkers

We went to my husband's annual company Christmas party on Friday. This was the second one I've been to, having attend last year's party for the first time. And since I have a hard time even remembering the names of my own children at times, I am pretty hopeless when it comes to putting names to the faces of people I only see once a year.

One thing I do to make it easier to remember names is to make them into funny nicknames or phrases. For example, here are some of the lovely people I met this year (real names have been changed):

"Fudgey" Carrie: The lady whose husband offered to marry me after sampling the fudge I sent into the office with Hubby

Matthew "Hannah Montana": The SuperDad who took his daughter to the Hannah Montana concert, and is apparently scarred for life

Lizzie "Spanx": The coworker who decided she loved the homemade treats I sent in so much, that she bought Spanx for the party so she could continue to indulge during the week

Don "The Arguer": The one who drives his secretary crazy by trying to reinvent the wheel, even though she's been doing this for 30 years already

The party was a blast, by the way, and the people were just as fun as their names imply. Happy Holidays to all!

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